Our research is internationally recognised and was rated as producing world-leading and international standard research in the most recent Research Excellence Framework (REF). Research is coordinated through three research centres. With our researchers at the forefront of their profession, our academics are making a difference in areas including:
Centre for Chronic Disease Research
As a translational research group, the Centre’s work elucidates cellular and molecular mechanisms that drive long term, complex conditions impacting quality and span of life for hundreds of millions globally. Aligned with United Nations Strategic Development Goal 3, Good health and well-being, we collaborate across disciplines and sectors to inform better treatments and diagnosis.
Programmes span musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular, cancer and neurological disorders where ageing, immunity & inflammation, metabolic and lifestyle factors influence disease progression.
The Centre has an extensive collaborative network with academic, clinical and industrial partners, with a strong track record in doctoral training.
Centre for Environmental Research
Our research focuses on the inextricable link between human health and the health of the environment, comprising a critical mass of academics across the School of Health and Life Sciences (HLS) and the School of Computing, Engineering & Physical Sciences (CEPS).
Our Centre aligns with United Nations Strategic Development Goals: Responsible consumption and production, Clean water and sanitation, Life below water.
Key research themes include sustainable aquaculture, waste and resource recovery and antimicrobial resistance in the environment (in collaboration with the Centre for Infection and Microbiology). We have developed strategic partnerships nationally and internationally to drive forward environmental policy, professional development and industrial input.
Centre for Infection and Microbiology
The Centre focuses on infectious disease, antibiotic resistance and ecology from a one health perspective (World Health Organisation), and aligns with United Nations Strategic Development Goals Good health and well-being, and Clean water and sanitation.
We actively seek collaboration with universities, industry, healthcare and third sector organisation. Our academics undertake research and consultancy. We are actively recruiting students for graduate research study. We have a large and vibrant community of postgraduate research students, who benefit from expert supervision based on our proven research strengths. Students interested in research degrees at MRes and PhD level may apply direct with their own research proposal. See our Research degrees page for more information.