Applying or Enrolling with a Criminal Conviction
As part of our responsibility towards students and staff, we ask all individuals who have accepted an offer to study at the University (referred to as 'offer-holders' in this guidance), as well as our enrolled students, to disclose relevant, unspent criminal convictions. We do this in order to ensure effective support is in place for those who may require it and to assess whether an individual poses an unacceptable risk to our students, staff, visitors or third parties we work with.
We are committed to the fair treatment of individuals during the application process and throughout your time studying with us.
This webpage sets out the information you are required to provide to us as well as what we do with this information.
What should I declare?
Offer holders and enrolling students should disclose convictions, cautions, admonitions, reprimands, final warnings, bind over orders or similar involving one or more of the following:
- Offences of violence
- Sexual offences
- Offences of harassment/stalking
- Hate crime
- Offences of terrorism
- Offences of theft and other forms of dishonesty
- Offences of involvement with controlled substances and/or firearms/explosives (drug offences only involving possession and not leading to a custodial sentence do not need to be disclosed)
- Offences of arson and/or wilful damage to property
- Offences involving the misuse of information and communications technology (computer misuse)
Offer holders and enrolling students are also required to declare any pending criminal charges which fall within one of the above categories.
What does not need to be declared?
You only need to tell us about relevant, unspent criminal convictions in the categories noted above.
Convictions that are 'spent' (as defined by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974) or will be spent at the point of starting the course of study do not need to be declared unless your programme of study is exempt from the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) scheme.
If you have declared a criminal conviction or pending criminal charge to us in response to the request made by our Admissions team when you accepted your offer to study with us, then we will have this information recorded and you do not need to declare this again at enrolment.
Who needs to make a declaration?
All offer holders who have accepted their place to study with us and all enrolled students must declare any relevant criminal convictions and pending charges (irrespective of their mode of learning or programme of study).
EU and International Nationals
EU and International students or offer holders should also declare any criminal convictions or pending criminal charges where they involve an offence similar to those set out above. If you are unsure, you can contact us at and a member of University staff will contact you for further information.
Any conviction involving an offence similar to those set out above, made by a court outside the UK, which would not be considered as spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 is considered to be relevant and should be disclosed.
Do I have to undergo a criminal records check?
Applicants to courses which involve contact with vulnerable people, such as teaching, social work and nursing courses will be required to register with the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) scheme. These programmes are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.
There is a separate process for this which is managed by the School you have applied to or by UCAS and is separate from the criminal conviction process described here.
Do I have to declare pending criminal charges?
If you are a student or offer holder and you have pending criminal charges against you then you should also tell us about this if they relate to one of the categories above. This also applies if you are making an application from a non-UK country.
Why is this information needed by the University?
The University aims to maintain a safe environment for everyone and so we must take appropriate steps to protect our students, staff and other members of the University community. To allow us to do this, we collect and record information on any offences committed by offer holders and our students as well as any ongoing criminal investigations or proceedings. This allows us to carry out a risk assessment to be carried out in line with our Criminal Convictions and Charges Procedure.
How will the University use this information?
If an offer holder or enrolled student indicates they have a criminal conviction or have a pending criminal charge a member of University staff will contact you to verify this is accurate and is a relevant disclosure in terms of our requirements. Once this has been confirmed any relevant disclosure will be handled in line with the process set out in our Criminal Convictions and Charges Procedure.
A disclosure will not result in an automatic withdrawal of an offer or exclusion from the University. The nature of the offence and all relevant information pertaining to the conviction or charge will then be considered as part of a risk assessment so that we can decide whether there is any unacceptable risk of harm to the wider University community, and/or make adjustments to your programme of study so that any risks can be mitigated for both the student/offer holder and the University community.
Will the University take disciplinary action in addition to criminal proceedings?
If a student is found guilty of an offence in a criminal court or is subject to a criminal investigation the University may take disciplinary action against that student in respect of the same matter. This will happen where it relates to deciding whether or not the student is a fit and proper person to continue as a member of the University or to reside in University accommodation.
There may be circumstances where it is appropriate for the student to be suspended from the University until the outcome of any criminal proceedings or investigation is known.
You can find out more about this in our Procedure for Student Discipline and our Student Suspension Procedure.
What happens if the University is informed of an offence which has not been disclosed by the student?
All enrolled students are expected to declare criminal convictions to us in line with our Criminal Convictions and Charges Procedure and have an ongoing obligation and responsibilities to update us as to material changes throughout the year. If the University receives information from a third party that an individual who has accepted an offer to study with us or enrolled student has been responsible for a criminal offence we will contact the student or applicant to get further information. If the information received is correct the Criminal Convictions and Charges Procedure will be followed.
If an offer holder or enrolled student has failed to disclose details of a criminal conviction or proceedings this may be treated as a disciplinary matter under the University Code of Discipline (see Chapter 5 of the UWS Regulatory Framwork).
Data Protection
You will find details about how we handle the information you provide to us during the application process and during your time as a student, in our Privacy Notice.
View the Student Enrolment & Application Privacy Notice (pdf)
The information provided by offer holders and enrolling students about criminal convictions or pending criminal charges is considered to be "sensitive personal data" under the General Data Protection Regulation so there are specific points that we want to make you aware of so that you can be assured we are handling this information appropriately.
Any information you provide to us about any criminal convictions you may have or any pending criminal convictions will be treated in the strictest confidence and only accessed by a limited number of University staff who are required to know this. We will make sure this information is stored and disposed of in a secure way.
We will only use this information for the purpose for which it was requested and provided and we will not use it in any way which is incompatible with that purpose.
We will retain the information you have provided to us separately from your main student record. Your disclosure and our records of risk assessment, mitigations applied, monitoring and reviews, will be held while you are an enrolled student, and for a subsequent 6 years after which time it will then be securely destroyed. Where an individual has provided information which does not meet the threshold for disclosure we will destroy this immediately. If you would like any more detail about how the information you provide to us will be processed you can contact us at