Academic Appeals & Extenuating Circumstances
The University recognises that, from time to time, you may encounter issues which may prevent you from being able to submit or undertake an assessment. Where this is the case, you can complete an Extenuating Circumstances Submission (ECS) for consideration. The ECS will be forwarded to the School Assessment Board to take account of this declaration in recording your module marks.
Extenuating Circumstances Submissions (ECS)
Please note that Extenuating Circumstances Submissions do NOT include the following:
- Requests for extensions to assignment deadlines or for other resit opportunities that fall within the normal timeframe of the module (usually one whole term). These should continue to be submitted directly to the relevant module coordinator or other named person in your School.
- Information on personal and medical circumstances that result in absence from classes. These should also continue to be submitted to those nominated in your School or programme of study.
Please refer to the Extenuating Circumstances Procedure for further information:
Extenuating Circumstances Procedure (pdf)
Please also refer to the Extenuating Circumstances Submission Student Guidance which are available below:
Extenuating Circumstances Submission Student Guidance (pdf)
Students Submitting a Claim
The University's Extenuating Circumstances Submission process is online and can be accessed via Self Service Banner.
If you require assistance with this process you can seek help from the Students' Union, or contact staff at the Student Hub or Student Link on your campus. If you have any problems accessing the online procedure or documentation, please email your School. Contact information is available via the online ECS system.
The short video (below) provides a quick explanation of extenuating circumstances for undergraduate students:

Student Academic Appeals
A student appeal is defined as a request to review a decision of an academic body charged with making decisions on student engagement, assessment, progression, awards and student disciplinary cases.
How do I appeal?
Before submitting an appeal it is important that you refer to the Appeals FAQs. Please note that you must submit your appeal in writing on the relevant form (documents listed below) within 10 working days from the publication date which informed you of the decision against which you are appealing. Your appeal will not normally be considered if not received within this timescale.
If you require assistance with this process, you can seek help from the UWS Students’ Union Advice or contact the staff at the Student Hub or Student Link on your campus. If you have any problems accessing documentation, please email
Student Academic Appeals Procedure (2024-25)

A student appeal is defined as a request to review a decision of an academic body charged with making decisions on student engagement, assessment, progression, awards and student disciplinary cases.
Download the UWS Student Appeals Procedure (pdf)Student Appeals - More Downloads
A UWS student can appeal against the following decisions: