Whether you have resits or reassessments as a result of extenuating circumstances, or because things didn't go well first time around, it's important to prepare yourself so you have the best possible chance to get a good result. Proactively look for information relating to the resits, including revision sessions that may be running within your School and speak to your Lecturer for feedback on your original assessment to identify the areas you want to focus on.
Carrying resits into your next academic year
You may be able to carry forward some outstanding resits but this depends on your level of study and how much you have to carry forward. You can talk to your personal tutor or course leader about this, but you should think carefully about how you would cope with undertaking more than the standard 6 modules in an academic year. If you struggled before, you might want to avoid any additional pressure and consider taking time out to complete your outstanding modules before progressing to your next level of study.
In terms of student funding, you generally would not be eligible for any additional financial support as a result of this, nor would you have any further tuition fee to pay to undertake a resit.
Taking time out to do resits
If you can’t progress with your outstanding resits, or would prefer not to carry them with you into your next level of study, there are various options available that would allow you to complete your modules before progressing. It is important that you consider any financial implications as you may not be eligible for student funding, or the student funding you are eligible for may be different to what you are used to.
Read carefully our Repeating a Period of Study Guide and discuss your options with your academic team.
International Students should discuss this with their School and/or the International Student Support Team as this may have an impact on their visa.