The cost of attending university is an investment in your future.
Fortunately, there is a great deal of financial support available to help students meet the cost of their study. This ranges from:
- statutory government loans to pay for tuition fees
- scholarships for Scottish, Rest of UK (English, Welsh & Northern Irish), Republic of Ireland, EU/EEA and International (non-EU) students
- bursaries to help towards living expenses
The sections below provide details of additional costs that your course may involve along with any financial support that may be available this year.
You can also find additional information in our Undergraduate Money, Fees & Funding section and our Postgraduate Money, Fees & Funding section.

UWS Scholarships
Throughout the year. a number of Scholarships may be available for all UWS undergraduate and postgraduate students - these include scholarhsips for :
- Scottish students
- Rest of UK (English, Northern Irish, and Welsh) students
- Republic of Ireland students
- All other EU/EEA and international (non-EU/Non-EEA) students