Artificial Intelligence, Visual Communications and Networks (AVCN) research institute at UWS is one of the strongest research institutes in the whole university in terms of research outcomes, patents/IPRs, and income generation.
The AVCN research institute at the UWS has grown to a hub of cutting-edge research for AI, IoT and Big Data, 5G Networks and Visual Communications. It has 7 academic staff and many PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and KTP associates.
AVCN has a proven track record of leading national/international projects from EU, UKRI, InnovateUK, SFC, SICs and industries. It has its own cloud infrastructure, 5G network, and a complete mid-size data institute designed to carry out computational experimentation in the field of Big Data, Cloud Computing, Data Security and Privacy.
AVCN staff have over 500 peer-reviewed publications in international journals, conferences and books. The contributions have been officially recognised through a number of research and enterprise awards.
Name: Professor Naeem Ramzan
Email address: Naeem.Ramzan@uws.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 141 848 3648
School: School of Computing, Engineering and Physical Sciences
Name: Professor Keshav Dahal
Email address: Keshav.dahal@uws.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 141 848 3305
School: School of Computing, Engineering and Physical Sciences
AVCN has established expertise with significant research outcomes in the following areas:
Applied AI
Machine/Deep Learning
Big data & Data Analytics
5G and Beyond Networks
IoTs, Sensor Network, Cloud Computing
Blockchain Technology
Video & Image Compression & Transmission
Cyber and Network Security
Intelligent Decision Support Systems
Scheduling, Optimization & Logistics Management
Connected and Remote Healthcare
Public Safety and Security
SMART Environment
AVCN significant research outcomes can be found at:
- 5G and Beyond Networks
- Affective and Human Computing for SMART Environments
- Intelligent Systems and Emerging Technologies
- Cyber Security
Ongoing projects
EU Erasmus+, eACCESS – EU-Asia Collaboration for aCcessible Education in Smart Power Systems (eACCESS), Total fund Euro 1 million (Euro 156k for UWS activities), 2020-2024. https://eaccess-edu.eu/
EU Erasmus+, SUNSpACe – SUstainable developmeNt Smart Agriculture Capacity, Total fund Euro 1 million (Euro 164k for UWS activities), 2019-2022. http://sunspace.farm/
EU Erasmus+ “ATHIKA- Advanced Technologies in Health Innovation”, 200k for UWS activities, 2019-2022. https://athika.eu/
EU H2020, “SliceNet– End-to-End Cognitive Network Slicing and Slice Management Framework in Virtualised Multi-Domain, Multi-Tenant 5G Networks”, funded under H2020-ICT-2016-2 call, Euro 700k for UWS activities, 2017-2020. https://slicenet.eu/
InnovateUK, Newton Fund, Personalised Service Assistant for Journey Planner, £60k for UWS activities, 2018-2020.
EU Erasmus Mundus Project “SmartLink”, Project coordinator for the consortium of 25 EU and South Asian university partners, Euro 695k for UWS activities, 2014-2019. https://smartlink-edu.eu/
EU Erasmus Mundus Project “gLINK”, Partner in the consortium of 18 partners, Euro 246k for UWS activities, (2014-2019), http://www.glink-edu.eu/
EU H2020, “SELFNET – Framework for Self-organized Network Management in Virtualized and Software Defined Networks”, funded under H2020-ICT-2014-2 call, Euro 700k for UWS activities, 2015-2018. https://selfnet-5g.eu/
GCRF (Global Challenges Research Fund) “NetDiploma project”, Networking project with Northumbria University funded by the Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC), 2018-2020.
EU Erasmusplus, UK- Algeria Advanced Computing Framework, Euro 163k, 2017-2018.
Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) project, “Developing intelligent applications for confectionary business”, with Golden Casket Group Ltd and InnovateUK, £173k, 2019-2021. https://goldencasket.co.uk/
Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) project, “Developing intelligent system for luxury chauffeur services”, with Little’s Ltd and InnovateUK, £183k, 2019-2021. https://littles.co.uk/
KTP project, “Eye Tracking: Predicting a viewer’s likely response to digital advert” with Lumen, £240k, 2017-2019
KTP project, To embed machine learning expertise and develop the next generation of digital content management platform, funded by Innovate UK with MODO Systems Ltd., £165k, 2018-2021
KTP Project, Maintenance monitoring capabilities. Funded by the Innovate UK and Hart Lifts Ltd £185,000, 2019-2022.
KTP Project, To embed IoT and machine learning capabilities for developing air quality monitoring framework for large scale deployment. Funded by the Innovate UK and BRS Technology £185,000, 2019-2021.
Fundacion Seneca, “Cognitive Management of Identities for Muti-tenant 5G Networks”, funded under National Programme for Research Talent and their employability call, Euro 68k for Fellowship Holder, 2019-2021
Innovation Centre for Sensor and Imaging Systems (CENSIS), UK, and Thales UK, "Smart Unmanned Aerial System for Real-Time Object Detection", in collaboration with Police Scotland, UK, funded under CENSIS open call, £100k for UWS activities, 2018-2019.
Cancer research UK, “Audio technology to detect lung cancer earlier” £40k, 2017-19
Scottish Funding Council, “Utilizing Social Media Trends to Proactively Prevent Cyberattack”, funded under PhD Studentship, £55,000, 2016-2019
Zayed University, “Privacy-aware Data Curation for IoT Devices”, funded under RIF, £14k for UWS activities, 2016-2019
AI enabled coverage hole detection for wireless networks, funded under VP Strategic fund matched with BT, £96k, 2018-2021
CSI “Emotional Gym: Interactive Bike, Lorretto housing”, Wheatley Group, £50k, 2017-2019
Digital Health Institute “Smartcough”, funded with 90k£ (2015-2018). With University of Edinburgh, Cirrus Logic (former Wolfson Microelectronics), and CHSS.
Energy technology Partnership (ETP), “Validation of advanced control and protection solutions for active integration of renewables through high fidelity hardware-in-the-loop simulation, with Strathclyde University, 2015-2018
Key staff members
Name: Professor Keshav Dahal
Position: Leader of the AVCN Research Centre and Professor in Intelligent Systems
Email: Keshav.dahal@uws.ac.uk
Tel: +44 141 848 3305
PURE profile link: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/persons/keshav-dahal
Name: Professor Qi Wang
Position: Professor in Computer Networking
Email: Qi.Wang@uws.ac.uk
Tel: +44 141 848 3945
PURE profile link: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/persons/qi-wang
Name: Professor Jose M. Alcaraz-Calero
Position: Professor in Networks
Email: Jose.Alcaraz-Calero@uws.ac.uk
Tel: +44 141 848 3419
PURE profile link: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/persons/jose-alcaraz-calero
Name: Professor Naeem Ramzan
Position: Professor in Visual Communications
Email: Naeem.Ramzan@uws.ac.uk
PURE profile link: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/persons/naeem-ramzan
Name: Professor Zeeshan Pervez
Position: Professor in Web Technology
Email: Zeeshan.Pervez@uws.ac.uk
Tel: +44 141 848 3183
PURE profile link: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/persons/zeeshan-pervez
Name: Dr. Muhammad Zeeshan Shakir
Position: Reader in Networks
Email: Muhammad.Shakir@uws.ac.uk
Tel: +44 141 848 3420
PURE profile link: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/persons/muhammad-zeeshan-shakir-shakir
Name: Dr. Hector Marco
Position: Lecturer in Computer Security
Email: Hector.Marco@uws.ac.uk
Tel: +44 141 849 4418
PURE profile link: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/persons/hector-marco-gisbert
Name: Dr. Santiago Matalonga
Position: Lecturer in Software Engineering
Email: Santiago.Matalonga@uws.ac.uk
Tel: +44 141 849 4341
PURE profile link: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/persons/santiago-matalonga-motta
Previous members
Professor Henry Wang
Professor Abbes Amira
Professor Christopher Grecos
Dr Pablo Casaseca
Dr Chunbo Luo
CENSIS - Innovation Centre for sensing, imaging and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies
Police Scotland
BRS Technology Ltd
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