What is 16 Days of Action against gender-bsed violence?
Please be advised this blogpost contains content that some readers may find upsetting.
16 Days of Action (or Activism) Against Gender-based Violence is a global campaign run by the UN Women organisation. The campaign started in 1991 by activists at the inauguration for the Woman’s Global Leadership Institute. It aims to raise awareness and eliminate gender-based violence around the world.
When is 16 Days of Action?
The campaign started on 25th November 2024, which is International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (aka White Ribbon Day) and concluded on 10th December, which is International Human Rights Day. The theme for 16 Days 2024 was #NoExcuse for gender-based violence.
What is gender-based violence?
The UN defines gender-based violence as follows:
“Violence against women’ means any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women".
Gender-based violence can lead to:
- Intimate partner violence (battering, psychological abuse, marital rape, femicide)
- Sexual violence and harassment (rape, forced sexual acts, unwanted sexual advances, child sexual abuse, forced marriage, street harassment, stalking, cyber- harassment)
- Human trafficking (slavery, sexual exploitation)
- Female genital mutilation
- Child marriage
How many women and girls does this affect?
The National Police Chiefs’ Council report from July 2024 gives the following statistics for violence against women and girls:
- 3,000 offences recorded each day.
- 1 in 12 women victims each year.
- At least 1 in 20 adults in England and Wales will be a perpetrator of violence against women and girls per year (2.3 million perpetrators)
White Ribbon Day give the following statistics on their website:
- 70% of women in the UK say they have experienced sexual harassment in public. (APPG for UN Women, 2021)
- 3 in 5 women have experienced sexual harassment, bullying or verbal abuse in the workplace. (Trade Unions Congress, 2023)
- Nearly a quarter of girls in mixed sex schools said they had experiences of unwanted sexual touching in school. (EVAW, 2023)
How can you show your support?
Be an ally - challenge harmful behaviours and attitudes that affect the lives of women and girls. This will help to create safer and more equal spaces for everyone.
- Wear a white ribbon to show your support.
- Attend 16 Days events to expand your knowledge, understanding and empathy.
- See our calendar of events for 16 Days on Connect for employees and students.
- Donate time or money to help support the cause.
- Report any incidents via Report and Support so that we can help eliminate any gender-based violence experienced at UWS – this can be done with contact details, anonymously or on behalf of someone else.
Useful Sites and Materials
- Report + Support UWS
- UN Women
- White Ribbon Day 2024
- World Health Organisation #NoExcuse Podcast series -
- IDAS (Independent Domestic Abuse Services)
- National Police Chiefs’ Council (news report)
Blog written by Euan Johnstone, UWS IT Desktop Analyst and EDI Champion, UWS Paisley Campus | November 2024