The travelling student
Author: Kennagh Spowart, PhD Performance student, University of the West of Scotland (UWS).
Interested in travelling as a student? UWS PhD student, Kennagh Spowart, shares her experiences, hints and tips for how to go about it!
Becoming a university student can be both an exciting and challenging time. With all the buzz throughout the academic year from essays to coursework, deadlines and exams, sometimes it’s good just to have a change of pace… or scenery!
I’ve been a student for many years and throughout my studies, I have travelled all over the world, both to progress my professional life and for leisure. If you’re interested in travelling as a student, here are some experiences, hints and tips on how to go about it!
Study abroad
Did you know that there is study abroad opportunities across a variety of programmes at UWS, for both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students? If you speak with your Programme Leader or contact the Student Hub team, they should assist in what study abroad options are available for you.
I was very fortunate to have studied in the USA, back during my undergraduate degree for a term. An experience that, although was almost a decade ago, remains as one of the most memorable times in my life!
Through the study abroad programme at UWS, I not only got to attend a real American college - and yes, it’s just like the movies - and travel around the East coast, I also got to meet an array of other international students and made lifelong friendships through this. All the classes and credits that I sat there were simply transferred towards my degree here, meaning I didn’t have to take on any extra modules at home.
In my Masters, I also had the opportunity to study at a school in France for a term. However, I received another offer, which I will discuss later in this blog!
If you are wishing to participate in a term or year abroad, I would highly recommend getting in touch as early as possible as it can be a lengthy process, but certainly worth it!
Work/Intern abroad
If there is a time of year to take advantage of academic freedom, it is no doubt the summer. Of course, this may not be relevant to some degrees, but for most students, summer is when you are free to do as you wish. So, why not try to find some work abroad, to earn some cash, gain some experience, meet people from all over the world and explore new places?
As I studied performance for my undergrad and wished for more paid stage experience, I worked for holiday firms over my summers as part of the entertainment team. I not only got to sing and dance away, but I also got to live in countries like France, Spain and Cyprus, and travel around on my days off. UK Holiday firms always have temporary summer roles available.
If entertainment isn't for you, you could look at becoming a holiday rep, hospitality staff or travel guide instead. Another popular option for working abroad in the summer is incentives like Camp America or Canada, where you can apply as a camp counsellor, specialised leader, grounds keeping or admin staff.
Another avenue to investigate, and will help more with career progression, are industry internships. Internships can sometimes be a little trickier financially and require more planning. However, they'll provide excellent hands-on work experience in your field and will have a positive impact on your resume.
During my Masters, I had received the offer to undergo a summer internship with a theatre company in Japan, which enhanced my skills in performance, collaboration and production. I chose this over my offer to study abroad in France through the UWS programme as I wished for work experience, to collaborate with other artists… and to go to Japan, of course!
If you’re looking for a summer internship, there are many search engines online that advertise available positions. Or speak with one the allocated Careers Advisors at UWS. Careers Advisors at UWS are for current students and alumni within five years of graduating.
Take a break!
Who’s to say that the only way you can travel as a student is for study or work? No way! Outside our summers, students have time off over the winter and spring too. These are great times to book that week abroad in Greece or Italy. However, there are ways to go on a weekend break, even during your studies!
Of course, be sensible if you do decide to go away for a weekend during the term - don’t be going right before a huge assignment due on the Monday morning! But it’s certainly not out of your reach. During my studies at UWS, I’ve done various overnight stays, in places like Paris, Prague, Berlin, Brussels, London, York, Aviemore and Skye. I even got to stay overnight in Tokyo, Kyoto and Nara during my internship in Japan, and New York, Baltimore and Washington whilst studying in America!
I’m a big budget traveller, especially when it comes to weekend breaks and will often opt for the cheapest form of travel available to me. I’m not ashamed to say that I’ve done night buses to save the pennies but of course, sometimes flights are an absolute necessity for getting abroad, especially in a short amount of time. I’ve found the best weekend flight deals are in November and between January to March, before going into peak Spring/Summer season. If you're lucky to have completed all your coursework and exams in May, early June also tends to have good summer deals, before the schools finish for their Summer break, later in the month!
So, there you have it! Travelling as a student can be enriching, beneficial… and a lot of fun! Feel free to get in touch with me on UniBuddy for further advice on travelling as a student.