Scotland's leading university for Widening Access
As Scotland's leading university for Widening Access, UWS firmly believes that education should be available to all. As one of the first Scottish Institutions to take the Stand Alone Pledge, and in light of the closure of the Stand Alone Charity, UWS pledges to continue to support estranged students in their journey within higher education from pre-entry to graduation.
UWS has also been celebrated for its particular support to estranged students and was awarded in the categories 'Pre-entry Information Advice and Guidance' and 'Estranged Students' Voice & Engagement' at the Stand Alone Pledge Awards 2023.
UWS was delighted to receive the “Going Higher Award for Student Carers Recognition Award” from Carers Trust Scotland in 2021 for its commitment and hard work in supporting Student Carers.
The WeCare team also works closely with external organisations, such as carer centres across the West of Scotland. We can signpost you to various local support organisations if needed.
Supporting Care-Experienced Students at UWS
The Scottish Funding Council (SFC) define the term care-experienced as:
Anyone who has been or is currently in care or from a looked-after background at any stage in their life, no matter how short, including adopted children who were previously looked-after. This care may have been provided in a one of many different settings such as in residential care, foster care, kinship care, or through being looked-after at home with a supervision requirement.
UWS is committed to supporting care-experienced students. To meet this commitment, we have developed a wide range of support services to ensure that all students fulfil their potential, achieve their goals and enjoy their time at UWS.
We have a strong tradition of working with care-experienced applicants and students. This commitment is embedded in all of our provision and is a strategic priority for UWS. We'll continue to work in partnership, both internally and externally, with other Corporate Parents to provide support so that our care experienced students will have a positive experience at UWS from pre-entry to after graduation.
We work in partnership with WhoCares? Scotland to provide annual Corporate Parenting Training to staff at all levels within the University. The content of this training is fully-informed by the voice of care-experienced people to support UWS staff’s knowledge and understanding of Care Experience.
Supporting Estranged Students at UWS
UWS is committed to supporting estranged students at UWS. The University has taken The Stand Alone Pledge, which helps institutions support estranged students by providing a public commitment to improving policies and increasing support for students studying without a family network.
If you are thinking of studying/or are currently studying at UWS, are estranged from your family and would like to know what additional support might be available, or for further information, contact:
Supporting Student Carers at UWS
Carers Trust Scotland defines a carer as anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or relative who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support.
There are many commitments that students who are caring unpaid for a member of their family, friend who is ill, disabled or has mental health or addiction problems. UWS has achieved the Aim Higher Award for Student Carers though the Carers Trust Scotland. If you are a student carer at UWS, or have applied to study at UWS, email for more information.

Further information
UWS is committed to widening access and providing opportunities for all.
For further advice and support, contact:
Our UWS Cares - Here for You page contains information and FAQs, which outline the range of support options that are available for care-experienced, student carers or estranged students.
Please also visit our Widening Access at UWS page for more information.